防災こおりやまからのお知らせ<2018/12/29 12:30> |
2018/12/29 12:30:11 |
《自動翻訳/auto translation》
In Fukushima prefecture, it is expected that the snow will come off intermittently, mainly in Aizu, and it will be heavy snowfall for 30 days, so please be aware of the following points.
◆attention to heavy snow and road surface freezing
・try to go home early, refrain from unnecessary and urgent outing.
・pay attention to the slip accident while walking or falling.
・The tire chain is attached according to the road of course winter tires.
・Driving such as snow, lighting of the light, enough deceleration, keep distance secure.
・during snow removal, be careful of falling from the roof and falling snow.
・beware of snow, avalanches and low , such as plastic houses collapsing, wires and trees.
Koriyama City Disaster Prevention and Emergency Management Division
《自動翻訳/auto translation》
In Fukushima prefecture, it is expected that the snow will come off intermittently, mainly in Aizu, and it will be heavy snowfall for 30 days, so please be aware of the following points.
◆attention to heavy snow and road surface freezing
・try to go home early, refrain from unnecessary and urgent outing.
・pay attention to the slip accident while walking or falling.
・The tire chain is attached according to the road of course winter tires.
・Driving such as snow, lighting of the light, enough deceleration, keep distance secure.
・during snow removal, be careful of falling from the roof and falling snow.
・beware of snow, avalanches and low , such as plastic houses collapsing, wires and trees.
Koriyama City Disaster Prevention and Emergency Management Division
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